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07/17/2007 @ 12:50am

Blue is dieing,
Oh Blue, I love you:
I love you as a boy, who loves his first dog;
I love you as a child, who loves his best friend;
I love you as a teenager, who loves his old companion;
I love you as a man, who has forgotten how to cry.

Blue, I never remember a time without you,
And I wish I never had to.
But soon, my friend, you will be dead,
And I will then be left without you.

But I shall remember!
I shall remember your blue under-belly,
I shall remember your golden fur,
I shall remember your faces and your wiles,
I shall remember your tricks and your obedience,
I shall remember your comfort at times of confusion,
I shall remember your head lying gently on my lap,
I shall remember your guardian fangs flashing in joy,
I shall remember your solace to an old man,
I shall remember your bliss.

I shall remember you Blue!
I shall remember you swimming in the Guadalupe,
And I shall remember you barking at the fish.
I shall remember you playing with the cat,
And I shall remember you rolling in the glass.
I shall remember you playing fetch,
And I shall remember you following to fetch the newspaper.
I shall remember you pulling the rope at tug-o-war,
And I shall remember you following me around the house.
I shall remember you rubbing against my leg,
And I shall remember you sitting under the table waiting for a piece.
I shall remember you waking me in the morning,
And I shall remember you as you were at the end.
But then, I shall remember you as you were at the beginning
And I shall remember all of you again.

I shall remember you, Blue.
And I love you.
I will always love you.
My dog.
My friend.
My Blue.
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